One word to describe Man Utd winning the EPL Title again... AWESOMENESS.
And for my favorite player of all time - RYAN GIGGS to score a stunning goal and to lift up the huge and gorgeous trophy... SIMPLY AWESOME...!!!
What a night... glorious glorious Manchester United... =)
(Chelsea drew their last game at the last minute with Bolton)
I watched the match together with Melvin, Desmond, Ron and Jennifer at Ron's place. While they are a bit sian, saying that Man Utd will surely win the title, I was a little afraid and nervous. But I yelped with joy when Man Utd was given a penalty quite early in the game.
Of cos I do not want my beloved team to win a game with penalty and so to prove that they are indeed champions, Giggs scored the 2nd goal in the 2nd half... 0-2!! :)
Next, we'll meet Chelsea for the FINAL SHOWDOWN - CHAMPIONS' LEAGUE FINAL!
It will be at David's house along with the same soccer gang. Join us if you want to see the magnificant glory of Man Utd (ok i am bragging now... i have no confidence...and i am nervous...lol)
Glory Glory Man Utd!!!!